Over the past two months we have discussed two out of the four intimacy destroying tactics John Gottman, Ph.D., identifies in his research: defensiveness and criticism. This month we’re moving on to the third, contempt, which is the greatest predictor … Continue reading
Making Relationships Thrive…Not Just Survive
The Power of Positive Requests
In my last newsletter we discussed the first of four communication styles that researcher John Gottman, Ph.D., identified as destructive to intimacy: defensiveness. Today we’ll be discussing a second problematic style: criticism. Criticism, which is more often used by women … Continue reading
The Hidden Gifts of Taking Responsibility
Last month I challenged you to take a look at the level of fulfillment you receive from your relationship and I promised that we would then turn to discussing four communication patterns that can be destructive to intimacy. So, let’s … Continue reading
Is it Time for a Relationship Review?
If Valentine’s Day left you feeling disheartened, maybe it’s time to reevaluate the foundation of your relationship. Start by checking in with yourself to see if you’re getting your needs met in your relationship. Take some time to honestly reflect … Continue reading
Don’t Give up on Your Goals
February has just begun and already I’m hearing people say that they aren’t keeping up with their New Year’s Resolutions. When I ask people why they’ve given up on their goal already they usually tell me that they have become discouraged … Continue reading